*Note: To have information for your club's match, meeting or event
included on this page, just send the date, the club name, place, time
(for meetings or events), and contact person's name and phone number
(email, too, if possible).
All Breed Clubs:
Antelope Valley Kennel Club meets the fourth Wednesday of every month. For more information, please visit the website at www.AVKC.org.
Bahia Sur Kennel Club of Chula Vista meets the third Monday of every month at 7pm at the Bonita Museum & Cultural Center, 4355 Bonita Road, Bonita, CA 91902. For information, please contact PAMIR3@aol.com.
Cabrillo Kennel Club meets 6 times a year on the first Wednesday of the month. For information, please contact Robin Garcia, torridon@att.net.
Channel City Kennel Club meets the first Wednesday of each month (except Aug. & Dec) at Christ Lutheran Church 6595 Covington Way, Goleta, at 7:30 pm. For information please contact sbwhips@aol.com.
Conejo Kennel Club meets on a quarterly basis, the first Tuesday of the month.or information, please contact burchperch@impulse.net.
Del Sur Kennel Club general membership meetings are normally held on the fourth Wednesday of each month except for August, November and December. Meetings are held via Zoom and start at 7:00PM, Pacific. To receive the meeting link, please email webmaster@delsurkc.com and include your full name, mailing address, phone number with area code and email address. For general Club information, email info@delsurkc.com. Please visit our website at www.delsurkc.com and check the CALENDAR page for upcoming events and for any changes to our meeting schedule / location.
Kennel Club of Beverly Hills: for Show, Meeting, Membership or general information please visit our website at kennelclubofbeverlyhills.com, or email at info@kennelclubofbeverlyhills.com.
Kennel Club of Palm Springs meets the third Wednesday of every month (except July and August) at the Palm Springs Police Dept. For information please contact Janet Jackson at steppinup@dc.rr.com.
Kern County Kennel Club meets the fourth Wednesday of every month at he Norris Road Veterans Hall, 400 W. Norris Road, Bakersfield, CA. For information, contact Margie Haarsager at k6ebk@aol.com, or visit the website at www.kernkennelcountyclubinc.com.
Lake Mathews Kennel Club meets the first Wednesday, Quarterly. For Information contact : LMKC.Secty.lmkc@gmail.com.
Los Encinos Kennel Club second Wednesday of each month (except December),Dinner 7 pm; meeting 8:00 pm at Mimi's Cafe; 19710 Nordhoff Place, Chatsworth, CA 91311. RSVP to Janice Anderson For more information, please contact Janice Anderson, 661-220-0275, or email at mydogmychoice@gmail.com.
Mt Palomar Kennel Club meets the last Wednesday of the month at Rancho Buena Vista High School. For information, please contact Susan Buck, 760-789-0592 or email nuforest@aol.com, or visit the website mtpalomarkennelclub.com.
Orange Empire Dog Club meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm, at the clubhouse at 18225 Santa Ana Ave, Bloomington, CA. For more information, contact ekyamada@aol.com or visit the website at www.orangeempiredogclub.org .
Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club meets the second Tuesday of each month at Hemopet 11561 Salinaz Ave., Garden Grove. For information, call President Dean Langwiser at (562) 537-1791 or Secretary Tammy Porter (562) 212-4500. For more information please visit our website www.SAVKC.org.
Santa Barbara Kennel Club has a new website at sbkcdogs.com. Email ABACA101@aol.com.
Santa Maria Kennel Club holds its general meeting on the Second Wednesday of the month at the Marion Extended Care Conference Room, 1530 Cypress Way, Santa Maria, CA. The meetings start at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please email to dogsports@santamariakennelclub.org or visit the website at www.santamariakennelclub.org.
South Bay Kennel Club, Inc, meets the first Thursday of the month at the Ken Nakaoka Center in Gardena.
For information, or email to SoBayKC@aol.com.
The Southern California Kennel Owners and Breeders Association, (SCKOBA) meets every 2nd Wednesday. ALL animal owners welcome. For more information, Dick Greaver ((805) 377-8035/greaver1@live.com) or
Kathy Navarrete ((661) 609-8370/ebonysands@antelecom.net) Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sckobai
Sand to Sea Non-Sporting Assoc. For information contact Marcie Dobkin at mdobkin@prodigy.net.
Toy Dog Fanciers of North San Diego County meets the first Wednesday of each month. For further informtion, please visit our web site: www.toydogfanciers.com.
Tri-Valley Working Dog Club meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Pizza Factory in Phelan. For information, please visit the club website at www.workingdogclub.com.
Ventura County Dog Fanciers Assoc. Inc. meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Ventura County Animal Regulations 600 Aviation Dr, Camarillo Airport, Camarillo, CA. For information, call Linda Whisenhut jacobsonwhiz@roadrunner.com, (805)558-0500 ot HollySams@aol.com, or Peri Norman,peroandbob@aol.com 805-231-2759 pekein2@aol.com.
Yuma Kennel Club meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Yuma Civic & Convention Center. Refreshments at 7 p.m. and meeting at 7:30 p.m. Casual, bring your well behaved dogs. For information, contact Loma I. Clark, redfriends@roadrunner.com, or call 928-344-0100 work, 928-627-8614 home.
Obedience Clubs:
Bakersfield Obedience Training Club Meetings 1st Tuesday of each month except December, July, and February. 7:30 p.m. Mill Creek Christian Church parlor room, Truxtun and S Street, Bakersfield. Contact JoAnne Rowles (661) 833-1634 website:www.bakersfieldotc.com.
CHAOS (California Handlers Advanced Obedience School) meets the third Saturday of the month in Cerritos. For more information, please contact info@chaosobedience.org
Dog Obedience Club of Torrance meets the first Thursday of the month at the Senior Center in Walteria Park, Torrance, CA. For information please visit the website at docot.org or email rick.jacoby@docot.org.
Downey Obedience Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
For more information, please contact 562-869-5213 or email downeyoc@yahoo.com.
Hidden Valley Obedience Club meets the third Wednesday of every month at the 3396 E Valley Parkway Escondido, CA. Meetings begin at 8:00 PM For information, call (760) 599-5353.
Oxnard Obedience Club P O Box 5412 Oxnard, CA 930312, or contact (805) 485-7071 or (805) 523-2734.
Pasanita Obedience Club, Inc meets the first Monday of each month at the Pasadena Humane Society. For more information, call (626) 797-7070 or email information@pasanita.com.
SouthWest Obedience Club of Los Angeles, Inc. meets the second Thursday of each month at the Gardena Community Center, Gardena, CA . For more information, call (310) 539-6559 or visit their web page at scdoc.org.
West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club, Inc meets the third Tuesday of each mont at the Westside Pavilion, Community Room A (behind the food court). For more information, call (310) 851-6350 or vist their website at www.wlaotc.com .
Valley Hills Obedience Club meets once a month in the San Fernando Valley. Meetings and events are posted on our website at www.vhoc.org. For more information, please contact us at our website.
Specialty Clubs:
German Shorthaired Club of San Diego, Inc. meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm (location varies). For more information on meeting location or events, please visit,www.gspcsd.com , or call Leanne Farrell at (858) 748-2624
Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles meets 8 times per year throughout the Greater Los Angeles area. Please visit the club website at www.grcgla.org.
Labrador Retriever Club of Southern California meets 6 times a year on the second Saturday of the month. Please contact Denise Coler, 949-295-1642 or email coleriverlabs@cox.netfor location and dates.
San Diego Labrador Retriever Club meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Locations vary in the San Diego area. For information, contact Barb Lewis at skelabs@cox.net, or Kim Nowak at kanowak@cox.net.
High Desert Labrador Retriever Club of California meets monthly. For information, contact Cheryl Swift cswift@whittier.edu, or Nancy Talbott at belgoldnt@yahoo.com.
Clumber Spaniel Club of Southern California meets bi-monthly at various locations throughout the Greater Los Angeles area. For more information, please contact Jennifer Darcy at 714-544-8560 or thedarcys@cox.net
Cocker Spaniel Club of Orange County meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm. Locations vary. Please visit their website at http://www.cscoc.org.
Gateway Cities English Springer Spaniel Association meets the third Thursday of the month (except June, August, and December) at 8:00 pm in Anaheim. For information please visit www.gcessa.org.
Afghan Hound Club of California holds meetings in Southern California. For information on the next meeting, please contact Melinda Rumpf melk.rumpf@gmail.com.
Basset Hound Club of Southern California meets monthly, often at LaHabra Heights Park on Hacienda Rd., and sometimes after Bassets show at dog shows. For information, please contact Kay Daly at 310-390-7171 or kdaly10288@aol.com, or visit the website www.bhcsc.com.
Southern California Beagle Club meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Pasadena Humane Society, Pasadena, at 8:00 pm. For information please contact Linda Ugenti, Beagles101@msn.com.
Dachshund Club of California holds meetings in Southern California. Please contact Kristin Cihos-Williams (951) 587-5155 or kinderteckel@aol.com, for information on meeting dates, locations, and upcoming Dachshund events.
San Diego Rhodesian Ridgeback Club For more information, please visit our website at www.sdrrc.org.
Southern California Alaskan Malamute Club meets the last Tuesday of the month at various locations. Please check the website, www.SCAMC.org, or mail to SCAMC, P.O. Box 3582, Burbank, CA 91508.
Boxer Club of San Fernando Valley for information, please contact Sheila Tomas at mileaway@msn.com or visit the website bcsfv.com.
Boxer Club of Southern California for information, please contact Lisa Malachi at lisann101@hotmail.com or visit the website boxerclubofsoutherncalifornia.org.
Aztec Doberman Pinscher Club of San Diego meets the fourth Wednesday of each month (except Nov. & Dec), at Coco's Restaurant - Banquet/Meeting Room, 1324 East Main Street near Second Street, El Cajon), dinner at 6:00, meeting at 7:00. For information contact www.aztecdpc.com.
Great Dane Club of California For information about meetings and membership, please vistit our website at www.gdcc.org.
Great Dane Club of San Diego - Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month, at 7:00 pm. For more information, please visit our website at www.gdcsd.org.
Samoyed Club of Los Angeles meets in January, March, June September and December. For information contact Tabitha Teutsch, (661) 599-4838 or oakbrooksams@hotmail.com.
Standard Schnauzer Club of Southern California meets six times a year at various locations throughout Southern California. Please check the website www.sscsc.com/, or email sscsc_secretary@live.com.
Orange Coast Bull Terrier Club holds meetings, matches and other fun events every other month at various locations in Southern California which are announced in advance. For information contact Susan Murphy at . susan778@aol.com.
Golden State Bull Terrier Club meets in six times a year. . For information contact Taryn Johnston 562-639-6671 or TarynJohnston@me.com.
Western Fox Terrier Breeders Association meets once a month at locations (usually at shows) throughout Southern California. For information contact Mary Lynn Machado at machado@rhythm.com
Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Southern Californiaple meets bimonthly at locations thoroughout Southern California. For information, visit their website at www.kbtcsc.org/.
Miniature Bull Terrier Club of Southern California meets six times per year at various locations in Southern California.For more information, please contact Linda Schaefer, Secretary at RockSteadyMBT@gmail.com.
Scottish Terrier Club of California meets in the Greater Los Angeles area on the second Saturday in the months of July, September, November, January, March and May. For more information, please call (626) 289-3425, or visit our website at www.stccalifornia.org.
Southern California Chihuahua Club meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Marie Callendar's, Corona. For information, please contact Christie Foulk chrmom8@aol.com or www.southerncaliforniachihuahuaclub.com
Chinese Crested Club of Southern California. For information on rescue, meetings, shows, seminars and the breed, email Patti Buckelew at HolliwouldCC@verizon.net, or visit the club website at www.ccclubsc.com.
Chinese Crested Club of Greater Los Angeles. For information on rescue, meetings shows, seminars and the breed, email Jennifer Young at jennifer@shidacresteds.com
Havanese Club of Southern California meets monthly at locations throughout Southern California. For information, please contact hcsc@adelphia.net, or visit the website www.socalhavs.org.
Miniature Pincher Club of Greater Los Angeles Meetings are the third Tuesday of the month at Filippi's Pizza Grotto 1192 6th street, in Norco, CA. For more information, please e-mail Janet Wilson at janetwilson12@peoplepc.com or call Sherry Haynes (951)270-0099 hm or (951)808-7204 cell, or email smhaynes@uci.edu.
Pacific Coast Pekingese Club - For information on meetings, rescue, shows, seminars and the breed, contact Lori Stephen, Secretary, (951) 737-3808 or email ctrcatwomn@aol.com.
City of Angles Pomeranian Club meets the fourth Thursday of each month at the Denney's, 6550 Irwindale Ave, Irwindale, CA. For information, please visit our website www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1010.
Shih Tzu Fanciers of Southern California - For information on meetings, rescue, shows, seminars and the breed contact Sheila Gordon (760) 320-5960 or email sgordonwindsor@earthlink.net.
Bichon Frise Club of San Diego - For information on meetings and other activities, please contact Deb Gibb at 858-531-2890 or visit www.bichonfriseclubofsandiego.com.
Bichon Frise Club of Greater Los Angeles (New Club) - For information on meetings and other activities, please contact Sharon Suzuki at 909-923-4363 or smsuzuki@veruzon.net.
Pacific Coast Boston Terrier Club - Meets the third Saturday of each month (except June, July, August). , or email Liana Juliano, lj12116@yahoo.com, or Pat Clarke, ontheqtxo@yahoo.com.
Pacific Coast Bulldog Club meets each first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 beginning in September, as we have been dark for the summer months, at Northkirk Presbyterian Church; located at 9101 19th Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA at 7:30 PM. For more information contact Cyndee Paulus 909-985-4921 or Tootbelle@aol.com.
Bulldog Club of Greater San Diego - For more information, please visit the website www.sdbulldogs.org.
Desert to the Sea Chinese Shar-Pei Club of Riverside meets the third Wendesday of the month at Carrows Resturant, 880 Limonite Ave, Mira Loma, CA, at 6:00 pm. For information please call (951) 681-6371, or email ftpei@yahoo.com.
Chow Fanciers Association of Southern California meets at various dog shows throughout Southern California. For information on upcoming meetings or activities please email us at CFAofSC@gmail.com.
Dalmatian Club of Southern California meets bimonthly. For information, please check the website at www.dalmatianclubofsocal.org .
Golden State Chow Chow Club meets at various dog shows throughout Southern California. For infomation, , charmingchows@cox.net.
French Bulldog Fanciers of Southern California - For more information, visit the website www.frenchiesfirst.com or email fbfsc@yahoo.com.
Poodle Club of Southern California meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM. For information of the meetings please contact Catherine Gouse, President, at 818-360-0164 or cgouse@verizon.net.
San Diego Poodle Club meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7pm at various locations. For information please email info@sandiegopoodleclub.org, phone 760-724-9134 or 760-310-2073, or visit our website at www.sandiegopoodleclub.org.
Schipperke Club Of Southern California - For more information, please contact Diane Johnson email address: willowskip@aol.com or call (831) 663-2794.
San Gabriel Valley Collie Club meets the third Friday of each month at 7:30 pm. Locations vary in the San Gabriel/Pomona area. For information contact Ed Degner by e-mail at Canyoncollie@earthlink.net
High Desert Collie Club meets the third Tuesday evening each month at at the home of a member. For information, please contact Judy Ritner at (760) 961-1146 or email Kiowaranch@aol.com.
California Collie Clan Meets 3rd Friday every month at Carrows at Mountain & 60 Fwy in Ontario. Breeder, rescue and meeting information contact
Debbie Jack email:DJack32015@hotmail.com
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of Southern California meets several times a year. Please visit our website for more information and contacts: www.pwccsc.com.
Southern California Collie Club: Please visit our website: socalcollieclub.com.