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Greater Sierra Vista Kennel Club


RALLY ADVANCED BJudge: Mrs. Dawn M. Antoniak-mitchell

407 MKBC WAVE VCD2 RM2 RAE2 TDX AXP AJP MFP CGCU TKI , DN49147101 3/21/2015. Breeder: Margaret Kennedy. By Imp Bill -- KBC Karis. Owner: Steve Stochaj .Dog, BORDER COLLIES.

409 ESCENTS BIT OF MISS CHIEVIOUS HIJINX, CDX BN RM FDC CGCA TKA , SS12556904 4/23/2019. Breeder: Evelyn Jones & Janet Arkless-. Wilson & Tracy Tennison By GCHG Bear Valley's Luciano Mi Tesoro RN CGCA TKI -- Matigan's Coming Up Roses At Citrus Hill II BN RE CGCA. Owner: Traci Hepler .Bitch, RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN).

410CH AVIATOR SON OF A SON OF A SAILOR CDX PCDX BN GN RE CGCA TKI , WS50015101 3/8/2015. Breeder: Cathy Dugan, Michael Dugan,. Bee Souza, Bob Souza By CH Aviators Anchors Aweigh -- CH Aviators Encore For A Bygone Era. Owner: Lindsey McClure .Dog, PORTUGUESE WATER DOGS.

411 MCCRYSTAL MOONLARK OF ORION , DN58455602 5/27/2019. Breeder: K. Webb. By GCHB Spindrift Bend It Like Beckham -- GCHB Sengalas Amelia McCrystal. Owner: Molly McNamara & Shannon Smart & Kristen Webb .Bitch, BEARDED COLLIES.
412GCH MCKADEN BIRD OF A FEATHER RN NA NAJ NAP NJP NF , HP56654603 6/3/2018. Breeder: S Honey-Gillespie. and S McKay By CH Night Flyer Da Roseira Brava -- CH McKaden Wholelottatrouble. Owner: Laura & David Hagey .Bitch, WHIPPETS.

414 MANDY LU , MA95734101 2/24/2020. Breeder: . By -- . Owner: Greta Kasten .Bitch, MIXED BREEDS.

415 BEACHCLIFF SAVE THE TROUBLE WYTH CDE BN RE , SS25585202 3/17/2021. Breeder: Deborah A Edwards. By CH Beachcliff Flatwood Mac -- GCHG Beachcliff Beast of the Southern Wild. Owner: Ken and Mary Neubauer .Dog, RETRIEVERS (FLAT-COATED).

417 SHASTA GOLDEN'S TURBOJET JERRY RN RI BCAT DSA HDJ BN , SS19402903 4/27/2020. Breeder: Sally Bates. By MACH 5 Emberain Red Rum Punch SH MXS2 PDS MJG2 PJS MFC TQX T2 B5 -- Redtail Hawk's Bella Ragazza JH. Owner: Craig Simberg .Dog, RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN).

418 GALA VON PRUFENPUDEN , DN25841201 11/11/2016. Breeder: Davd anid Harris-ADAM Madore. By Jabina Niller -- Hexe Von Prufenpuden. Owner: Connie Miller .Bitch, GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS.

422 CANYON SUNSETS LEATHER N LACE BN RA RI CGCU TKN , RN32592701 8/31/2018. Breeder: owner. By GCHB Evanlees Dark Side of the Moon -- CH Canyon Sunset's Gunpowder N Lace. Owner: Edithmary Stenz & Norine Lehar .Bitch, RAT TERRIERS.

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