FRENCH BULLDOGS Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Dogs. |
| 7 | KONIGLICHE ELTORRO VUELVE A HIGHWOOD , NP89882201 10/7/2023. Breeder: Brenda Burggraf. By CH Highwood's Magic Man From Goldshield -- Konigliche Some Like It Hot. Alexandra Vorbeck . Dog. |
| 9 | LONDONDERRY LEBULL'S FOX CYN PEPE LE MOKO , NP90115401 11/11/2023. Breeder: Ann Hubbard & Arlie Alford. & Alex Geremia By GCHP Fox Canyon's I Won The War At Goldshield -- GCH Londonderry Luisa Raisin Of Lebull. Ann Hubbard & Arlie Alford & Alex Geremia . Dog. Christian Rangel, Agent. |
| 11 | SEQUOIA'S MASTERPIECE , NP89334201 9/3/2023. Breeder: Janiene Borror. By GCH Lori Boroga -- Sequoia's Skyward Bound For Fantasia. Janiene Borror . Dog. Ruben Lemmens, Agent. |
FRENCH BULLDOGS 12 Months and under 18 Months Dogs. |
| 21 | CALLIE RUTH'S NASH , NP86472901 8/15/2023. Breeder: owner. By GCHB Lwolfranch Celebrates the CZAR -- Callie Ruth's Kiwi. Theresa & James & Callie Roman . Dog. |
| 23 | STONEGARDEN'S MOONDANCE AT STILLRIIVER , NP83263801 3/16/2023. Breeder: Stephanie A Young. By CH Still River Modern Day Hiro RI CGC TKI -- Stone Gardens Avant Gardener. Marilyn Mabus . Dog. |
FRENCH BULLDOGS Bred by Exhibitor Adult Dogs. |
| 25 | IMAGINE'S GOOD MORNING FOX CANYON , NP76420601 5/18/2022. Breeder: Carol S Johnson. By GCH Fox Canyon's The Real Deal At Goldshield -- GCH Shady Oak's Ebony And Ivory At Imagine. Carol S Johnson . Dog. |
| 27 | NO SURRENDER'S CITIES ON FLAME , NP49013702 12/5/2017. Breeder: Sue Moses & Benjamin Moses. By GCHP Lebull's New Hope Wooly Bully -- No Surrender Monitaps Gold Dust Woman. Marit Marino & Sue Moses & Benjamin Moses . Dog. |
FRENCH BULLDOGS American Bred Dogs. |
| 31 | MAJESTIC DOS FOR CALLIE RUTH , NP89232503 10/16/2023. Breeder: C. Lenarth. By Callie Ruth's UNO -- Majestic's Sruthin In Kinky Boots. Theresa & James & Callie Roman . Dog. |
| 33 | JOELLE'S PARTY LIKE IT'S 1999 AT SUMMER ROSE , NP75592401 6/15/2022. Breeder: Lisa Nave. By CH Reveries The Most Interesting Man In The World -- CH Featherquest Life Of The Party At Joelle's Zoe. Amanda Rose . Dog. |
| 37 | NIALL'S SIP HAPPENS , NP76136001 3/15/2022. Breeder: Kaytlynn Howden. By Fressel's Nefresh Nes Gadol Monani's Laila Tov -- Devil Mountain's Snap Crackle Pop. Melinda Miracle . Dog. Gabriel Rangel, Agent. |
| 39 | BREATHTAKINGS' BLACK KNIGHT ONYX , NP79391903 10/1/2022. Breeder: Jackie Basagoitia. & Kylie Compton By GCH Breathtaking Can't Afford Me -- Reveries Breathatking Designer Of The Stars. Jackie Basagoitia and Kylie Compton & Cristina Basagoitia. Dog. |
| 41 | FOX CANYON'S YVET'S "GOLDEN GRAHAMS" , NP76049903 4/21/2022. Breeder: Sandy Fox & Alex Vorbeck. By GCHP2 CH Fox Canyon's I Won The War At Goldshield CGC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT -- Fox Canyon's Paradigm Celine Dion. Yvette Koplik & Sandy Fox . Dog. |
| 43 | BULLAGAMO FERRIS , NP91857001 11/24/2022. Breeder: Fernando Duarte. By GCHS Heritage Southern Gothic -- Bullagamo Black Magic. Fernando Duarte & Mariana Besedina . Dog. |
| 45 | MIRACLE HOUSE DONUT MAN , NP72571301 12/14/2021. Breeder: Melinda Miracle. By CH Miracle House Louis Vuitton D'vogue -- Carob's Pattycake. Melinda Miracle . Dog. Gabriel Rangel, Agent. |
| 47 | LONDONDERRY HUMPHREY BOGART HEART OF GOLD , NP72443801 1/31/2021. Breeder: Brookhollow Londonderry Bulldogs. By CH Hillbuckle's The Deal Is All About Mr.Becker -- Londonderry Gold Nugget. Shannon Ginsberg . Dog. |
FRENCH BULLDOGS Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Bitches. |
| 10 | PECHE MIGNON AND HIGHWOOD WE'RE ALL LUCKY , NP90498302 10/18/2023. Breeder: Robert Smith & Stephen Miller. & Alexandra Vorbeck By GCH Highwood's Immaculate Conception -- Peche Mignon Green Fairy. Rocco Fiore & Alexandra Vorbeck & Robert Smith & Stephen Miller. Bitch. |
| 62 | TALAURI MANOLITA , NP92614501 10/13/2023. Breeder: Leire Uriarte Martin. By Giorgio De Zurbano -- Talauri Kataleya. Jackie Basagoitia and Kylie Compton & Cristina Basagoitia. Bitch. |
FRENCH BULLDOGS 12 Months and under 18 Months Bitches. |
| 12 | LECIRQUE'S SHE'S SO VAIN AT FOX CANYON , NP88071101 8/18/2023. Breeder: Alex Geremia. By GCHP 2 Fox Canyon's I Won The War At Goldshield CGC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT -- CH Lecirque's Wheel of Fortune. Alexandra Geremia . Bitch. Christian Rangel, Agent. |
| 18 | DEZPERADO DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH AT GOLDSHIELD , NP84631808 4/9/2023. Breeder: Hillary Zimmerman & Perry Payson. & Hilary Branscum By GCH Goldshield's Catch Adream DE La Rive Gauche -- Dam Goldshield's Mystik Monet Moment. Shannon Ginsberg . Bitch. |
FRENCH BULLDOGS Bred by Exhibitor Puppy Bitches. |
| 24 | MIRACLE HOUSE MILLE FEUILLE , NP90186203 2/3/2024. Breeder: Mindy Miracle. and Lisa Joelle Nave By GCH Miracle House Take My Breath Away BCAT -- GCH Feathurquest Life of the Party @ Joelle's. Melinda Miracle . Bitch. |
FRENCH BULLDOGS Bred by Exhibitor Adult Bitches. |
| 28 | FOX CANYON'S 9 MIA HAMM AT SANTALICIA , NP87428502 7/22/2023. Breeder: Sandy Fox & Nancy Shaw. By GCHP2 CH Fox Canyon's I Won The War At Goldshield CGC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT -- GCHS Highwood's Fancy Pants At Fox Canyon. Alicia Bauman & Sandy Fox . Bitch. |
FRENCH BULLDOGS American Bred Bitches. |
| 30 | BREATHTAKING MY GAL SAL , NP79391905 10/19/2022. Breeder: Jackie Basagoitia. and Kylie Compton By GCH Breathtaking Can't Afford Me -- Reveries Breathtaking Designer of the Stars. Scott & Karene Woods . Bitch. Ruben Lemmens, Agent. |
| 36 | MIRACLE HOUSE & HERITAGE HOME SWEET HOME , NP84482704 5/11/2023. Breeder: Melinda Miracle. By GCH Heritage Southern Gothic -- CH Miracle House A Wrinkle in Time. Melinda Miracle . Bitch. Gabriel Rangel, Agent. |
| 38 | HOMEWOOD ALLABOUT. YOU'RE SO VAIN , NP90004801 1/28/2023. Breeder: Owners. By GCHS Rockydell Homewood Spy Games -- GCHB Homewoods Allabout Wildflowers. Kathleen Malone & David Berry . Bitch. Ruben Lemmens, Agent. |
| 40 | LECIRQUE'S SOLVE THE PUZZLE AT FOX CANYON , NP88071103 8/18/2023. Breeder: Alex Geremia. By GCHP Fox Canton's I Won The War At Goldshield -- CH Lecirque's Wheel Of Fortune. Alex Geremia . Bitch. Christian Rangel, Agent. |
| 42 | BREATHTAKING SHE WAS THE ONE , NP83079901 2/27/2023. Breeder: Jackie Basagoitia & Cathy Harring. & Kylie Compton By CH Serendipity Bulletproof At Damari -- CH Breathtaking Dvista Chanel No 5. Jackie Basagoitia and Kylie Compton & Cristina Basagoitia. Bitch. |
| 44 | LWOLFRANCH CELEBRATES PRINCESS ROSE , NP70389902 9/12/2021. Breeder: Linda Wolfinger. By GCH Miradon Celebration At Lwolfranch -- Lwolfranch Celebrates Olga. Chris Massman . Bitch. |
FRENCH BULLDOGS Best-of-Breed/Variety |
| 16 | HIGHWOOD'S PETITE TRESOR , NP86713202 5/12/2023. Breeder: Alexandra Vorbeck & Betsy Phelan. & Perry Payson By CH Shady Oak's Fascinator For Highwood -- Highwood Gieselle. Alexandra Vorbeck . Bitch. |
| 48 | CH MIRACLE HOUSE & HERITAGE WISE BLOOD , NP80327501 10/28/2022. Breeder: Melinda Miracle AND Moira Terry. By GCH Heritage Southern Gothic -- CH Miracle House A Wrinkle In Time. Melinda Miracle . Bitch. Gabriel Rangel, Agent. |
| 50 | CH FOX CANYON IS POPPING THE CORK FOR WANDERLUST , NP71105706 9/24/2021. Breeder: S. & Fred Fox & A. & M. Ouesada. By CH Shady Oak's Iceman At Highwood -- GCH Fox Canyon's Cozzette Camelot Of Goldshield. Sandy & Fred Fox . Bitch. |
| 51 | GCHS BANYAN HOMEWOOD FLY ME TO THE MOON , NP80203801 8/31/2022. Breeder: Barbara McCarthy & David. Berrey By GCHS Rockdell Homewood Spy Games -- CH Banyan Homewoods Take Two. Barbara McCarthy and David Berrey & Elena Seigman . Dog. Ruben Lemmens, Agent. |
| 52 | GCH SEQUOIA'S PLATINUM BLOND , NP78739101 7/12/2022. Breeder: Janiene Borror. By Fantasia's Dr.Doom -- Sequoia's Diamonds N Gold. Robbi Kelldorf . Bitch. Ruben Lemmens, Agent. |
| 55 | GCHB HIGHWOODS MARVELOUSLY FORTIFIED OF DROMMANDE , NP78823702 7/14/2022. Breeder: Alexandra Vorbeck. & Eric Emswiler By GCHB Goldshield's Marvelous Dream Of Mystik -- Highwood's Fynn And Tonic. Alexandra Vorbeck . Dog. |
| 57 | FOX CANYON’S APPLE JACKS FOR IMAGINE , NP76049905 4/21/2022. Breeder: Sandy Fox & Alex Vorbeck. By GCHP2 CH Fox Canyon's I Won The War At Goldshield CGC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT -- Fox Canyon Taradigm Celine Dion. Carol S Johnson & Sandy Fox . Dog. |
| 59 | GCH BREATHTAKING CAN'T AFFORD ME , NP62014201 7/31/2020. Breeder: Jackie Basagoitia & Lylie Compton. By CH Ares Della Mafia Bulls -- GCH Goldshield's Marvelous Miss Millie Of Cypress. Jackie Basagoitia and Kylie Compton . Dog. |
| 61 | GCHS HERITAGE SOUTHERN GOTHIC FDC , NP64344701 10/31/2020. Breeder: Moira & Steve Terry & Perry. Payson By GCH Goldshield's Catch A Dream De La Rive Gauc -- CH Goldshield's Chef Look'n For A Date Of Mystik. Steve and Moira Terry & Mindy Miracle & Paula Martinez . Dog. |