KERRY BLUE TERRIERS 12 Months and under 18 Months Bitches. |
| 6 | TAKUMI FS QUEEN OF THE DIAMOND VIA KALLEHAN , RN39451103 3/28/2023. Breeder: Kumi Tachikake. and Nancy Han By Kallehan Fs Ive Got The Moves -- GCHS Kallehan Fs Hear Me Roar. Kumi Tachikake . Bitch. |
KERRY BLUE TERRIERS Non-Reg Eligible BOB/BOV Veteran Bitches. |
| 8 | GCH KALLEHAN'S HEAR ME ROAR , RN29275701 12/18/2015. Breeder: Nancy Han. By CH Kingael's Bluecrush Winterfell -- CH Kallehan Lucire. Nancy C. Han and Kumi Tachikake . Bitch. |
KERRY BLUE TERRIERS Best-of-Breed/Variety |
| 7 | GCH SHEEP CREEK NELSON AS IN WILLIE , RN36080205 1/23/2021. Breeder: Jinece Rees. By GCHB Kebulak Wear My Kiss -- CH Sheep Creek Detootles Of Krisma CGC. Robert Stanley & Jinece Rees . Dog. |
| 9 | CH TAKUMI FS DANCE IN THE BLUE VIA KALLEHAN , RN34179702 8/25/2019. Breeder: Nancy Han & Kumi Tachikake. By CH Kallehan Fs Cash Deposit For Los Carneros -- GCHB Kallehan FS Hear Me Roar. Kumi Tachikake & Hanson Siu . Dog. |
| 10 | SHEEP CREEK QUINTESSA , RN38892502 1/9/2023. Breeder: Jinece Rees & Kathleen Reilly. Santomero By CH Sheep Creek 1st Class Finian Of Krisma -- Kebulak Mis Whiplash RN. Robert Stanley & Sherri Stanley . Bitch. |