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Santa Barbara Kennel Club, Inc.


BULLDOGSJudge: Mrs. Polly Smith
BULLDOGS Puppy 6 months and under 9 months Dogs.
5 DENNILANE'S KARL WHO? , NP89531801 12/27/2023. Breeder: Dennis Balanag & Lalaine Policar. By GCHB Surf City's Babbys Boomshakalaka -- GCHB Dennilane's Chanel NO.5. Dennis Balanag and Lalaine Policar . Dog.
7 FIREDOG DARK FAIRYTALE , NP88410601 12/18/2023. Breeder: Christopher Harris. and Suzanne Rose By GCH Rose's Great Ballz of Fire -- Firedog Tika, Gracie's Girl. Jessica Semeit and Suzanne Rose . Dog.
9 BKB CANECK BOLANOS , NP90720601 1/27/2024. Breeder: Hector A Bolanos. & Damian Bolanos By GCH MBK Greco -- BKB Bianca Bolanos. Hector Bolanos & Victor Montes & Damian Bolanos. Dog.
BULLDOGS Bred by Exhibitor Adult Dogs.

11 HEGARS LORD OF THE THRONE VIKTOR , NP69527901 8/10/2021. Breeder: Hector Garcia. By Imperioushamitup & Trinity's Little Southern Saint -- West Coast Chommpers Ala Calandria. Hector Garcia . Dog.
BULLDOGS Puppy 6 months and under 9 months Bitches.

6 OBSESSIONES GISELLE (LUNA) , FCMD7873D MX 11/27/2023. Breeder: Luna and Obsession Bulldog. By Obsesiones Cochisse (Lunan) -- Cuca (Gorostiza). Christian L. Peirano . Bitch. Ruben Lemmens, Agent.
8 DENNILANE'S CHANEL CHANCE , NP89531803 12/27/2023. Breeder: Dennis Balanag & Lalaine Policar. By GCHB Surf City's Babys Boomshakalaka -- GCHB Dennilane's Chanel NO.5. Dennis Balanag and Lalaine Policar . Bitch.
BULLDOGS Bred by Exhibitor Adult Bitches.
10 BECKENS LITTLE SURFER GIRL , NP70933203 8/26/2021. Breeder: Owner. By GCHG Irresistibull Winter Is Coming Of Danditop -- Dennailane's Don't Rain On My Parade. Kenneth and Becky Haefliger . Bitch.
BULLDOGS Open Bitches.
12 GRAYBULLS CLASSIC COUNTRY , NP70212002 9/20/2021. Breeder: Kay, Aimee and William Gray. By Herson Bernal -- Graybull Showbiz It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere. Bernice Jensen and Kay, Aimee and William Gray . Bitch. Ruben Lemmens, Agent.

16 GRAYBULLS ELECTRAGLIDE IN WHITE , NP78898502 9/13/2022. Breeder: Kay and Bill Gray & Willfred. Quesada By GCH Graybulls Personal Vendetta -- CH Graybulls Showbiz What Dreams Are Made Of. Kay & Bill Gray . Bitch.
BULLDOGS Best-of-Breed/Variety
14 BREATHTAKING EMERALD IN OUR HEARTS , NP80924901 11/4/2022. Breeder: K. Compton & J. Basagoitia. & C. Basagoitia By GCHB Brumars Sureshot This One's For You! -- Breathtaking Reina Del Norte. Jackie Basagoitia and Kylie Compton & Cristina Basagoitia. Bitch.
15 BRUIN'S POLAR KINDRED SPIRIT , NP69901104 8/13/2021. Breeder: Chelsea Conway. By GCHG Jwilson's B-Loved Polar Express -- GCH Brits Love Sacred Ground With Bruin. Cindy Liebeck & Bob Liebeck . Dog. Sandra Martinez, Agent.
17GCH MBK-A&J SUNSHINE (DOKY) , NP74629005 2/21/2022. Breeder: A. Silva & V. Montes. By GCHB Modern Day Warrior -- Montes Bulldogs Joakkina. Abraham Silva Sr & Jazmin Romero & Lourdes Lazaro . Dog.

18CH MBK ANJ SUNSHINE TO INFINITY AND BEYOND , NP74629004 2/21/2022. Breeder: Victor Montes & Abraham Silva Sr. By GCH D1's Modern Day Warrior -- Montes Bulldogs Joakkina. Abraham Silva & Jazmin Romero & Dulce Castro. Bitch.
19CH BECKENS WHO'S ON FIRST , NP70933205 8/26/2021. Breeder: Owner. By GCHG Irresistibull Winter Is Coming Of Danditop -- Dennailane's Don't Rain On My Parade. Kenneth and Becky Haefliger . Dog.
20GCH WINDMILL'S PRINCESS POPPY OF THE UVADA KINGDOM , NP66558801 2/8/2021. Breeder: Stewart Tulledge, Inarose Verdugo. & Alecia Wagner By GCHS Diamond Gold Majesu Pisko Bulis -- CH Agape's Lady Charlotte Tulledge Of Somerset. Stewart Tulledge & Inarose Verdugo . Bitch.
21CH A&J SUNSHINE SOUL OF GOLD , NP78442202 9/3/2022. Breeder: owner. By GCH Cherokee Legend Steele -- GCH Lexi. Abraham Silva Sr and Jazmin Romaero and Dulce Castro. Dog.
23GCHB DIGGIN'S THIS ONE GOES TO ELEVEN , NP69357201 9/4/2021. Breeder: Kerri Ekard. By CH Font A NosesVic Mackey Of Kaniska -- CH Diggin's Delightful Ace. Kerri Ekard . Dog. Lesli Smith, Agent.
24GCHB BREATHTAKING LA CHACALOSA , NP63413201 10/31/2020. Breeder: Jackie Basagoitia. & Kylie Compton By CH Breathtaking Taking Out The Competition -- GCH Breathaking Following The Legacy. Jackie Basagoitia and Kylie Compton . Bitch.
25 BREATHTAKING DIAMOND LAST STAR , NP75739001 5/12/2022. Breeder: Jackie Basagoitia. and Kylie Compton By CH Breathtaking Taking Out The Competition -- GCH Dianor's Breathtaking Diamond In The Sky. Jackie Basagoitia and Kylie Compton & Cristina Basagoitia. Dog.
26CH MBK'S ALL GUTS AND ALL GLORY , NP87246003 9/2/2023. Breeder: Victor Montes & Isabel Hernandez. By GCH Serchells Man In The Arena In It 2 Win It -- MBK Duquesa. Victor Montes and Isabel Hernandez . Bitch.

27GCHB VLM MAD MAX , NP78870101 9/25/2021. Breeder: Criadero VLM. By Dr.Jekyll Garcia/Mendoza Mex.FCI -- Black Africa (Contreras) Mex.FCI. Cristian Peirano & Maxmie Peirano . Dog. Ruben Lemmens, Agent.

29GCHG BRUIN'S SAXON SAINT , NP69901101 8/13/2021. Breeder: owner. By GCH Jwilson's B-Loved Polar Express -- GCH Brit's Love Sacred Ground For Bruin. Jesse Barcena & Betty Buelteman . Dog. Sandra Martin, Agent.

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