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Santa Barbara Kennel Club, Inc.


RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN)Judge: Mr. Frank Kane
RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN) Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Dogs.

5 24KT FERRARI LIMITED EDITION , SS43991601 10/7/2023. Breeder: Del Voss & Judi Voss. By CH Asterling's Hello, My Name Is Dalton -- 24KT The Power Of Magic. Alan & Susan Burrows & Judi Voss . Dog. Janice Hayes, Agent.
RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN) 12 Months and under 18 Months Dogs.

7 FRIENDSHIP'S SHOOT FOR THE COSMICGOLD STARS , SS42602103 7/3/2023. Breeder: Tim Price & Kathy Price. By GCHP Hillock's Jack Daniel's Ra JH CA RATN CGC -- MyJoy Rheddy's Dirty Little Secret Twizzler. Julie Bocanegra & Kathy Price . Dog. Emma Garbrick, Agent.
RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN) American Bred Dogs.

9 MAJESTIC'S SURF SEEKER , SS38967801 12/1/2022. Breeder: Cheyenne Kruse. By GCHB Captivate's When In Doubt Paddle Out -- Majestic's This Girl Ain't To Tramp. Cheyenne Kruse . Dog.
11 MOXY WITH A DOUBLE DAWG TWIST , SS38123901 12/4/2022. Breeder: Cynthia Lawley & Fredrick E.. Lawley III By GCH TCH Riverdance Bazinga JH UTDX TDX WC VC -- Scotts 24k Moxy Lilly Of The Valley SHDN CGC TKI. Cynthia Lawley & Frederick Ellsworth Lawley III . Dog. Elizabeth Jordan-Nelson, Agent.
17 CHARLEMAGNE'S MACTHOMAS OF ALBA , SS24413006 1/11/2021. Breeder: Barbara Campbell. By GCH Tamarack Joy Ride -- CH Charlemagne's Charm of the Autumnwind. Tamara Thomas . Dog.

19 ESQUIRE’S SWEET DAYS OF SUMMER RN, NA, OF, FITB , SS20113104 7/11/2020. Breeder: Theresa and Dana Douglas. By GCHG Jetoca's Twistin' The Night Away -- Esquire's Game of Bones. Andrea Mraz . Dog. Kaycee Klang, Agent.

21 TEKO PLACE YOUR BETTS BN RN CGCA TKN , SS34942701 5/13/2022. Breeder: Shannon Oliver. and Demaris Claflin By CH Masters Teko Live Long and Paws Per -- Ingot's Making Waves at Teko. Micki Callahan and Shannon Oliver . Dog.

23CT AUBRIDGE TOETALLY ACED IT @ ALL-STAR SIN SEN , SS36150701 7/28/2022. Breeder: Robin E Baker. By CH Crestwood's To Bee Or Not To Bee -- CH Aubridge From My Head To-Ma-Toes!. Barbara Sevier . Dog. Janice Hayes, Agent.

25 ARAGON'S MOUNT DIABLO IS FULL OF GOLD , SS40123202 12/24/2022. Breeder: Cheri Fisher & Jeogwon Kang. By CH Westin Having A Party -- CH Golden Finale The Sun Also Rises. Nathan G. Moule . Dog. Lauren House, Agent.

27 ULTRAMARINE ZOLOTAYA KHORTITSA , SS35719401 12/1/2021. Breeder: Tatiana Kolomichuk. By Nectar Divinity Sacred Talisman -- Igniting Baby Zolotaya Khortitsa. Karyna Harbuz . Dog.
RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN) Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Bitches.

6 AMAZING LOVE ZOLOTAYA KHORTITSA , UKU0614328 10/22/2023. Breeder: Tatiana Kolomichuk. By Platinum Boy Zolotaya Khortitsa -- U La La Zolotaya Khortitisa. Karyna Harbuz . Bitch.

8 PROVIDENCE PSSST! A LITTLE BIRDIE TOLD ME @BELMONT , SS44437902 9/16/2023. Breeder: Diane Belmont. & Cathleen Smith By GCHG Paradigm's Field Leongolden -- Avalor Schoolfirl Whispers @ Belmont-Providence. Cathleen Smith . Bitch.
RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN) 12 Months and under 18 Months Bitches.

10 LEONGOLDEN BE THE STAR , SS40693401 3/1/2023. Breeder: Carlotta El Khorchi. & Mustapha El Khorchi By Leongolden Go With The Way Bibis CGC TKN -- CH Leongolden Secretly Love Bridget. Carlotta El Khorchi and Mustapha El Khorchi . Bitch. Laurie M. Jordan-Fenner, Agent.

12 SEASONS GLITTER DAYS AHEAD , SS42147903 5/18/2023. Breeder: Paula and Bill Rowan and Laurie. Jordan-Fenner By CH Suntory Loveit A Cherrybrook CDX TD JH OA -- CH Seasons Our Silver Lining. Toshie Sakurai and Toshiaki Sakurai and Eileen Oshiro. Bitch. Laurie M. Jordan-Fenner, Agent.
RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN) Bred by Exhibitor Puppy Bitches.

14 ROSECREEK'S CHARMED AND DANGEROUS , SS44761901 10/30/2023. Breeder: Sharon & Lauryn Wilson, M McCue,. S Beckwith, S Wilson By GCH Emery's Star Baker -- GCH Five Star Musicur's The Color Purple BCAT, CGC. Sharon & Lauryn Wilson & Madeline McCue . Bitch.
RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN) American Bred Bitches.

16 JAZZIN'S UPLAND GIRL CDX BN RN TD JH MHU CGCU TKN ATT , SS31269602 12/15/2021. Breeder: Collette Jaynes. By GCH Jazzin's My Eye Adored You CD RN SH -- CH Jazzin's Sleepless in Seattle CD RI JH. Jennifer Darcy and Gary Darcy and Collette Jaynes. Bitch. Janice Hayes, Agent.

18 GOODTIME'S MOCHACCINO , SS39883501 1/30/2023. Breeder: Lisa Smith. By GCH Pendery's Man Of Steel DS -- Goodtime's Roses Are Red. Taylor McCombs . Bitch. Laurie M. Jordan-Fenner, Agent.

20 MYSTIC ZEN'S THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE , SS27154101 5/20/2021. Breeder: Cheryl Collands. By CH Summit's For Crying Out Loud -- Shadallane Zen's Spicy Ginger. Cheryl Collands . Bitch. Elizabeth Jordan-Nelson, Agent.

22 STELLAR'S AMAZING SKYFALL , SS39165602 12/25/2022. Breeder: Julia Wolfe & Gael Parks. By Stellar's Swim Breathe Dream -- Stellar's Against All Odds. Julia Wolfe and Gael Parks . Bitch. Maddie McCue, Agent.

24 CALICO'S AN ECLAIR TO REMEMBER FOR WESTWOOD , SS36716401 7/11/2022. Breeder: Mary Thompson. By CH Sunbeam Toasty Rock 'N Roquefort -- CH Calico's Secrets of the Heart. Carey and Allan Cooper & Mary Thompson . Bitch. Janice Hayes, Agent.
28 REGENCY LAST FLIGHT TO KODA'S CCA , SS14203101 9/7/2019. Breeder: Laura Franchi & Vic Franchi. By CH Masters-N-Lee's Koda Sam Splash Biermayer THDD -- CH Regency Mix It Up. Patricia Biermayer & Katherine & Kristen Biermayer . Bitch. Elizabeth Jordan-Nelson, Agent.
30 CHARLEMAGNE'S LOVE OF THE SASSANACH , SS16110802 11/22/2019. Breeder: Barbara C Campbell. By GCH Tamarack Joy Ride -- CH Charlemagne's Charm of the Autumnwind RA CGC. Barbara Campbell . Bitch.
RETRIEVERS (GOLDEN) Best-of-Breed/Variety
26 MYSTIC ZEN'S MARSHALLING IN THE SCARLET DAWN , SS36903302 8/15/2022. Breeder: Cheryl Denise Collands & Beth. Johnson By CH Summits Annecy One Last Time Marshall -- CH Summits Crimson And Clover. Kimmie C. Easterling and Cheryl Denise Collands . Bitch.
29 MYSTIC ZEN'S ON THE MONEY , SS36903305 8/15/2022. Breeder: C. Collands & B. Johnson. By CH Summits Annecy One Last Time Marshall -- CH Summits Crimson And Clover. Cheryl Collands & Morgan Taylor Pelowski . Dog. Elizabeth Nelson, Agent.
31CH MAJESTIC'S BARE NECESSITIES , SS09547106 12/4/2018. Breeder: Cheyenne Kruse. and Suzanne Wilson By GCH Osprey's On A Angel's Wings -- Musicur 'N Majestic's PYT. Cheyenne Kruse . Dog. Laurie Fenner, Agent.
33GCHG BIRNAM WOOD'S COUNTRY STATE OF MIND , SS11645501 4/12/2019. Breeder: Sylvia Donahey & William Feeney. By CH Summits FireLine Public Outcry -- CH Birnam Wood's Totally Ribbitting. Mike and Sandi Rumsey . Dog. Lauren House, Agent.
34GCH GEAUX DOG'S CORONA CHICK , SS32322303 2/10/2022. Breeder: J. Hagstette & L. Schwanger. By GCH Starrise N Powderhorn Not My First Rodeo -- GCH My Buddy's Melon Pie. Harmoney Leavitt & Jessica Hagstette DVM . Bitch. Janice Hayes, Agent.
35CH LEONGOLDEN DIAMOND OF THE FIRST WATER ROYAL , SS26681201 4/17/2021. Breeder: Carlotta El Khorchi & Mustapha. El Khorchi By GCH Leongolden Let's Celebrate Boss -- CH Leongolden Secretly Love Bridget. Carlotta El Khorchi & Mustapha El Khorchi . Dog. Laurie M. Jordan-Fenner, Agent.

36CH RING QUEEN ZOLOTAYA KHORTITSA , SS31646901 12/12/2020. Breeder: Tatiana Kolomichuk. By Golden Shine Siberia Edelweiss -- Astarta Favourite Gold Friends. Viktor Garbuz . Bitch. Karyna Harbuz, Agent.
37CH SEASONS I FEEL MY TEMPERATURE RISING , SS26496805 4/16/2021. Breeder: Paula Rowan & Judi Voss Bill Rowa. By GCHG Gaia Of Yoshida Enterprise -- GCHS 24-KT Seasons Treasure Island. Dorothy Mayer & Steve Mayer & Paula J Rowan . Dog. Erin Piercy Foreman, Agent.

38GCHG ROHAN & CHUCKANUT LIVIN FOR THE WEEKEND AT ALLORO , SS20803606 8/15/2020. Breeder: Kelli A Mayo and Ken Matthews. By CH Aubridge You Bet Giraffe -- CH Verdoro's National Obstacle. Carolyn Conn Fertitta and Betsey Strohl . Bitch. Christian Rutten, Agent.
40CH ROSECREEK'S SWEET EMOTION , SS37117301 6/16/2022. Breeder: S. Wilson & L. Wilson & S. Wilson. & S. Beckwith By GCHS Summit's Silver Lining -- GCH Five Star Musicur's The Color Purple CGC BCAT TKN. Lauryn Wilson & Sharon Wilson . Bitch. Maddie McCue, Agent.

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