Quick Count
Rings and times will be posted as soon as possible. Corrected counts will be posted at that time.
The compilation of entries in each breed and the division by sex, has been carefully prepared for your convenience. However, the Club and the Show Superintendent assume no responsibility for its absolute accuracy. The figure following each breed indicates the number of dogs, bitches and Best of Breed Competition, in that order.
| 7 | Biewer Terrier 1-2-(2-2) |
| 6 | Brussels Griffon 2-3-(1-0) |
| 24 | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 8-8-(5-3) |
| 15 | Chihuahua (Long Coat) 5-5-(3-2) |
| 5 | Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) 0-3-(2-0) |
| 3 | Chinese Crested 0-0-(3-0) |
| 1 | English Toy Spaniel (B&PC) 0-0-(0-1) |
| 1 | Havanese 0-1 |
| 14 | Italian Greyhound 4-5-(1-4) |
| 7 | Japanese Chin 3-2-(1-1) |
| 4 | Maltese 1-3 |
| 4 | Manchester Terrier (Toy) 1-1-(1-1) |
| 2 | Miniature Pinscher 1-0-(1-0) |
| 16 | Papillon 3-8-(3-2) |
| 5 | Pekingese 1-2-(2-0) |
| 17 | Pomeranian 7-4-(4-2) |
| 9 | Poodle (Toy) 2-7 |
| 11 | Pug 3-4-(4-0) |
| 6 | Russian Toy 2-3-(0-1) |
| 4 | Shih Tzu 1-3 |
| 1 | Silky Terrier 0-1 |
| 4 | Toy Fox Terrier 0-2-(1-1) |
| 14 | Yorkshire Terrier 3-9-(2-0) |